Reporting signin methods registered in your Azure AD

Azure AD contains several different means of signing in; password, mobile phone, fido2 keys etc., but how are your users using these options? Here is a script for reporting statistics for exactly that.

I will skip information on how to get yourself an access token using app registrations this time – already have 100 posts showing how.

Easiest option to run the script once:

1. Go to, sign in with your Azure AD global reader account

2. Make sure you consent to “User.Read.All” and “UserAuthenticationMethod.Read.All”

3. Copy the access token into the script below and run

$accessToken = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJub25j---------O_dHsdrcf4WCHPYI4M-jg"
$VerbosePreference = "continue"

# No need to edit below this line
$restParams = @{Headers = @{Authorization = "Bearer $accessToken"}}

Write-Verbose "Getting all users"
$userlist = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$uri = "`$top=999"
do {
    $r = Invoke-RestMethod $uri @restParams
    if($r.value) {
    $uri = $r.'@odata.nextLink'
} while($uri)

# Function that processes a batch, returning report lines per auth method per user
function Process-GraphBatch
        [System.Collections.ArrayList] $Batch,

        [System.Collections.ArrayList] $BatchUser
    Process {
        Write-Verbose "Sending batch of $($Batch.count) requests"
        $batchBody = @{requests = $Batch} | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 7
        Write-Debug $batchBody
        $r = Invoke-RestMethod "`$batch" -Method POST -ContentType "application/json" -Body $batchBody @restParams

        Write-Debug ($r | ConvertTo-Json)
        $r.responses | ForEach-Object {
            if($_.status -ge 400) {
                Write-Warning "Request failed with error $($_.body.error)"
            } else {
                $user = $BatchUser[$ - 1]
                $_.body.value | ForEach-Object {
                    [PSCustomObject] @{
                        UserPrincipalName = $user.userprincipalname 
                        ObjectID = $
                        Method = $_.'@odata.type'
                        PhoneNumber = $_.phoneNumber
                        PhoneType = $ 
                        smsSignInState = $_.smsSignInState 
                        emailAddress = $_.emailAddress
                        displayName = $_.displayName
                        model = $_.model
                        attenstationLevel = $_.attestationLevel

Write-Verbose "Processing users into batches of 20 users (for speed)"
$report = $userlist | ForEach-Object `
    -Begin {
        # Initialize variables
        $inc = 0
        $batch = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
        $batchUser = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
    -Process {
        # Add user to batchUser and request to batch variable
        Write-Verbose "$inc / $($userlist.Count)"; $inc = $inc + 1

        $batchUser.Add($_) | Out-Null
            id = "{0}" -f ($batch.Count + 1)
            method = "GET"
            url = "/users/$($"
        }) | Out-Null

        # If the batch is 20 long, process it
        if($inc % 20 -eq 0) {
            Process-GraphBatch $batch $batchUser
    -End {
        if($batch.Count -gt 0) {
            Process-GraphBatch $batch $batchUser

$report | Out-GridView

# Report unique users using the different methods
$report | group ObjectId | Foreach{$_.Group[0]} | group Method | Select Name, Count | sort Count -Descending

Good luck 🙂

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